Thursday, October 22, 2009

MOMBAT in the news

Joe, form the Charlotte Observer, spent a couple of hours at the shop a week ago talking about MOMBAT. While we talked, Jeff toured the shop taking pictures. Check out the article @ Make sure to look at the extra pictures as well.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

MOMBAT in the Charlotte Observer

Jeff (photog) and Joe (writer) stopped by the shop for a hung out for a couple of hours asking questions and taking pictures. It is always interesting to see what folks pick up on, especially when they are from outside the bike "industry". They pick their favorite bikes by what they like, not by a brand, price, rarity.... It was nice that they took a little more time than many before them have. A lot of the time, it is just what your " ? " (favorite, rarest, oldest, most valuable). It is always a little bit nerve wracking not knowing what direction a story will take. Joe followed up with a couple more questions and said the pictures came out great. The story is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow. When it gets published, we'll post up a link.