Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It has been super busy at the shop so posts have been few and far between. We did get three frames in this week which is pretty cool. The first one was a 1986 Fat Chance in an original Fat Chance frame box. From the receipt that was included, it looks like it was repaired in 1994 and repainted. After the repair, it was never built. The other two frames came to us via Paul Price @ Paul Components. If you have perused the Paul Comp web site, you may have run across this photo http://paulcomp.com/paulsbikes/frames.html which shows some cracked Goat frames. We have talked to Paul over the years about the frames and Wes talked to him at the handmade show last year......which resulted in a couple of frames coming our way. So far, it looks like we have the bottom frame which is a 21" Sierra Nevada team bike from 1991 and the second frame from the top which is a 1991 Whiskeytown Racer Lite in a green color with chevrons. There was also a very cool Paul Comp "mother of all bottle openers" in the package. This is a serious bottle opener! I'll try to get some pictures up tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome - looking forward to the '86 Fat pics. I own the same bike. A little info on mine:

